Transition Management
Educational The Dairy Vet Team Educational The Dairy Vet Team

Transition Management

What if you could pull a single lever which would increase herd milk production, improve fertility, reduce mastitis incidence and improve immunity? Well, unfortunately it’s never as simple as just pulling a lever, however excellent transition management will go a long way towards making positive increases, just as, if done poorly, it will have far reaching negative implications. Following a carefully designed transition management plan will positively influence the ongoing health, production and fertility of your herd.

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Too much nitrate can be nasty!
Educational The Dairy Vet Team Educational The Dairy Vet Team

Too much nitrate can be nasty!

When we get a call-out for suspected nitrate poisoning we drive as fast as we’re legally allowed and literally run from our ute to the affected animal(s) as seconds can make a difference! Nitrate poisoning can be nasty and with the recent drought conditions potentially increasing the risk of it we thought a quick refresher on it wouldn’t be a bad idea.

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Educational The Dairy Vet Team Educational The Dairy Vet Team

Summer sun is not so great for everyone!

Whilst some people revel in lying on the beach or by the pool, swimming the days away and soaking up the warmth of the summer sun, there are some that are faced with many challenges caused by drought conditions. Most New Zealand Farmers utilise a primarily pasture based system and so, in the absence of having a large stock of conserved feed, having planted summer crops and/or drought tolerant pasture, may be struggling to provide adequate feed to their cows. So, here’s a quick word on animal health and welfare during a drought.

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Educational The Dairy Vet Team Educational The Dairy Vet Team

The sometimes silent threat…

Facial Eczema (FE) is a topic that almost everyone has heard off and many know very well. It has been covered off time and time again BUT we continue to see animals being clinically affected and suffering as a result of this disease…

So, with the risk of “milking the same old cow”, this blog contains a brief FE summary as a refresher.

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